




  1. 五島 聡 口演発表 第5回Asian Congress of Abdominal Radiology(浜松):Computer-aided assessment of hepatic contour abnormalities as an imaging biomarker for the prediction of HCC in chronic hepatitis C ,
  2. 野田佳史,五島聡 口演発表 第5回Asian Congress of Abdominal Radiology(浜松):Findings in Pancreatic MR Imaging Associated with Pancreatic Fibrosis and Glucose Intolerance
  3. 加藤亜希子,五島聡 ポスター発表 第5回Asian Congress of Abdominal Radiology(浜松):Prediction of Early Response to Uterine Artery Embolization in Fibroids: Value of MR Signal Intensity Ratio
  4. 河合信行,野田佳史,五島聡 口演発表 第101回Radiology Society of North America:Common Bile Duct Stone: Value of Adding Single-shot Balanced Turbo Field-echo Sequence to Conventional MR Imaging
  5. 野田佳史,五島聡 口演発表 第101回Radiology Society of North America:Biliary Tract Enhancement during the Hepatobiliary Phase in Gadoxetic Acid-enhanced MRI: Correlation with Non-invasive Biomarker Associated with Liver Function and Fibrosis
  6. 寺町光代,河合信行,五島聡 ポスター発表 第101回Radiology Society of North America:Torsion of Normal Adnexa: Characteristic MR imaging findings correlated with Laparoscopic findings
  7. 加藤博基 Featured Symposium口演 10th Asian Oceanian Congress of Neuroradiology(博多):CT and MR imaging of cervical lymph node metastasis of squamous cell carcinoma